How Close are we to Autonomous Cars?
How Close are we to Autonomous Cars?

How Close are we to Autonomous Cars?

Are we getting closer and closer to this amasing technology?

Level 5 vehicles, which are self-driving in all road situations, do not yet exist. Moreover, it’s not clear when that will change.

At stake are billions of dollars-worth of automotive and tech industry profits, as well as an untold number of human lives. More than a million people around the world die each year in road deaths according to the World Health Organization, though the extent to which such deaths are fully attributable to driver error and could be prevented by high-tech cars is up for debate. Still, the European Union is reportedly planning to approve the sale of Level 4 vehicles — those that are fully autonomous within a specific geographic area or set of circumstances — as part of its attempt to reach zero road deaths by 2050..

  • Level 5 means real autonomous car
  • Tesla lead the way, now other car companies are making big advancements
  • China seems to lead the industry in 5 years
  • Advancements will make humans live easier

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